Not that long ago, I stumbled upon an Indiegogo campaign to raise money for the first annual Cuddle-Con. That’s right, folks, a convention for cuddling. And we all know sidewalk chalk signage is the mark of a serious professional gathering.

Cuddle-Con is the brainchild of professional cuddler, Samantha Hess. Hess founded “Cuddle Up To Me,” a business that provides “platonic touch” for clients through a series of cuddling sessions. These sessions are a way for people to feel not only closer to one another, but also less alone in general.
Hess is firm believer in touch as a positive, healing behavior. She’s also a firm believer in touch as a positive, healing behavior that costs $80 an hour. But hey, who am I to judge? I paid $45 for a glass of 12-Year Weller Wheated Bourbon to cuddle me last night.
Hess has called Cuddle-Con a “celebration of human connection,” and the “most important event in cuddling history.” Which begs the question: there’s a cuddling history? Cuddle-Con activities include yoga sessions, dance classes, a massage workshop, pillow fights, piggyback rides and a giant snuggle party. In case this is starting to feel like a fast track to Harvey Weinstein-land, Cuddle-Con organizers say cuddle enthusiasts must take a 30-minute consent class before they can touch any other participant.
At its core, the cuddle philosophy is “everyone could use a hug.” Samantha describes her own custom-tailored sessions as an experience designed to “ensure you know you are loved and that you matter.” Cuddle-Con’s main draws are the seminars where total strangers learn a variety of platonic, non-sexual cuddle positions designed to build self-confidence.
For example, cuddlers might try the Nesting Doll…

Or maybe the Side Pocket…

Or perhaps the Cinema…

For you more adventurous cuddlers out there, why don’t you try the Bee’s Knees…

Or maybe the Tandem Bicycle…

Or perhaps the Rusty Trombone…

And if you’re feeling really cuddle-curious, might I suggest the Tarantino…

Because nothing says platonic, non-sexual touching like being crotch-to-crotch with a total stranger. And if that doesn’t make you more self-confident, I don’t know what will!