Have you noticed how the “Christmas season” starts earlier and earlier every year? Sometime near the end of summer, before we’ve even hit Labor Day, you start seeing Christmas decorations in stores. They’re usually a few aisles over from the early Halloween decorations. Maybe you’ve complained about it to your family, your friends, your co-workers. Admit it. You’ve shit on Christmas’ early arrival. And that’s okay.
But it’s not just the early decorations in stores, or the early TV ads. Radio stations start playing carols earlier and earlier too. It used to be that you didn’t hear Christmas songs on the radio until a few weeks before Christmas. But then stations started playing holiday music right after Thanksgiving. Some stations even devoted their entire rotation to Christmas music, playing non-stop carols 24 hours a day during December.

This year Sirius XM went full-Christmas. They started playing holiday music on October 25th. And not just one channel of festive tunes. They have 15 holiday music channels. There’s Holly, if you dig contemporary music. There’s Holiday Traditions, if you like, well, holiday traditions. There’s Holiday Pops, Country Christmas, Navidad, and Holiday Soul.
Maybe you love to binge Hallmark Christmas movies this time of year? Well, now you can binge timeless holiday music on the Hallmark Channel Radio. Still haven’t found that special Christmas groove? Well, how about Acoustic Christmas, or Christmas Spirit, or 70s/80s Christmas?
Perhaps you want a Rockin’ Christmas? Or maybe just a little Holiday Chill-Out? Or maybe some smooth Jazz Holidays? And of course, no Christmas music line-up would be complete without Radio Hanukkah.

Whatever it is, Sirius XM has you covered.
Now it sounds like I’m complaining. But here’s the thing. I’m not. In fact, I think radio stations should step up their holiday game even more. Why just play Christmas carols for a couple months a year when you can play them all day, every day?
That’s right. I’m talking 365 Days Of Holly Jolly, people. Imagine The Twelve Days of Christmas except there’s actually 365 of them. That’s a shit ton of partridges in pear trees!

You may scoff at this. But hear me out, Scrooges. Life can be rough. And some days it downright sucks. But even if I’m feeling blue, a good Christmas carol always cheers me up. Maybe it’s the nostalgia of remembering being a kid at Christmas. Or maybe it’s the joy that comes with listening to Jingle Bell Rock on the 4th of July while barbecuing hot dogs. Christmas carols make me feel good. So why should I deny myself the chance to feel good every day of the year? I shouldn’t. And neither should you.

Life is short, and there’s no reason Christmas has to be celebrated only one day a year. Okay, I hear some of you saying, “but Jesus’s birthday only comes once a year.” Don’t you think Jesus would be happy to celebrate his birthday every day of the year? I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t turn down 365 slices of birthday cake.

So turn on those Christmas carols and then leave them on. Because next Christmas is just around the corner.