Everyone knows apps are where it’s at. Which is why, in my countless seconds of free time, I like to scour the app store checking out the latest and greatest applications designed to make my life easier. Or in this case, drier.
Recently, I was thrilled to discover Huggies had joined the tech revolution. You read that right. Huggies. The maker of such amazing diaper products as Little Snugglers, Little Movers, Little Swimmers, and my personal favorite, Little Big Man Nappies.

Huggies has come up with a new app designed to notify you moms and dads when your baby’s diaper needs changing.
Introducing Huggies TweetPee.
Yes, Gleeksters. Huggies has invented an app that tweets when your baby has hashtag-tinkled. Here’s how it works…
You attach a little owl-shaped device to the front of your baby’s diaper that monitors the humidity levels inside. As those humidity levels change, the sensor sends updates to your cell phone via “pee tweets.” Or Pweets, as no one calls them.
Sample pee tweet messages can include: “everything okay here,” “oops, made a little pee-pee,” “time to change,” and the oddly passive-aggressive “don’t worry about my diaper, Mom.”
Huggies says they’ve developed the app to address the constant concern parents experience about their baby’s well-being, stating “First-time moms don’t know what to do. Overly attached parents start to despair. Workaholic parents get worried. Mothers of triplets freak out.”
Yes, mothers of triplets freak out. And mothers of quadruplets go batshit crazy at the mind-boggling thought of having to change four diapers at once. It’s madness! But thank goodness Huggies has our babies’ backs. And their fronts.
Huggies claims their new app will also help Mom and Dad save money by preventing unnecessary diaper changes. Which make me wonder: how many times do parents change their kids’ diapers unnecessarily? I mean, are moms and dads out there changing diapers just for shits and giggles? Or should I say, no shits and giggles?
The TweetPee app also features a diaper profile, which allows everybody who has permission to follow the diaper’s profile to check the daily nappy change history. And seriously, who can’t wait to get a “Braden’s diaper updated its status” text from your one-year-old hipster nephew in Brooklyn.

Unfortunately, it’s not all roses and dry butts in TweetPee Land. After test-marketing the app in Brazil, Huggies decided against revolutionizing how babies let you know they’ve piddled. But we here at Gleek urge Huggies to make this app Number One on their priority list. And why stop there? If TweetPee’s a success, InstaPoop can’t be far behind.